Located in the heart of Europe and more precisely in the south of Belgium, the famous Ardennes region is worldwide recognized for the diversity and the quality of its wood.
IBB Group has established its headquarters in this region since 2001, having a huge resource of raw material to exploit and to export.
The high quality of the wood is really one of the key advantages of IBB Wood.
The founder of IBB Group, Mr Olivier PAQUAY, has a strong experience in the wood industry coming from several generations of his family but also from his hard work in the wood during his young life.
He is really an “Ardennes” man, knowing perfectly what it means to work the wood and to respect the forest.
As a long tradition in the family, IBB Wood still owns also some traction horses (huge and robust horses) born in the Ardennes region. They are still used to tow some wood and we are very proud of them. They are part of our company. Their courage and force are a daily motivation for all of us.
Besides them, we own also the latest technology of machines to drive our business.
The essential activities of IBB Wood include:
  • To clean ground before to plant
  • To plant
  • To clean the new plantation
  • The first pruning and the selected pruning
  • The first cut and the further cuts up to the final cut
  • Processing of wood in different products and sales
  • Export and import of wood.
